Thursday, January 17, 2008

So... what legal recourse is there for punishing piracy?

Still stumped on a paper topic--throwing the words "IP", "techology", and "anime" into a blender came up with nothing except a note on a company in Singapore trying to go RIAA on local illegal downloaders:

Odex has copyright owners' support

and the slightly more up-to-date

Crackdown on Anime Downloads in Singapore (this is, by the way, a rather misleading title, since Odex was only able to get access to accounts from certain providers; not really a crackdown so much as a flurry of letters to whoever was available.)


W. Seltzer said...

Some have suggested that anime producers have developed a relative truce with those who produce so-called fan-sub translations, allowing the fan-subbers to redistribute videos until they see enough market demand for a commercial translation. The fan-subbers, in turn, will stop distributing videos when an official version is released.

Wikipedia currently sees this story as "unsupported": Fansub :legal and ethical issues.
Interested in researching to find out?

Ika Resuraa said...

I've been doing research for a related paper (for another class) which sort of argues the contrary, but if I can think up another angle on the subject... *racks brains*