Sunday, December 9, 2007

DRM and the DMCA - Analog Analogy

Wil Wheaton, (Wesley Crusher from Star Trek and a shockingly good writer) has an interesting post up about DRM and makes an analogy to a childhood toy gun.

Basically, the popgun he bought had a certain, proprietary type of caps it used to make a "bang" sound, and when the toy store didn't have or stopped carrying that type of cap, he was stuck making "bang" sounds himself.

There are also a few interesting links at the post. Give it a look!

1 comment:

W. Seltzer said...

Nice find. Look at the comments to Wheaton's post, too, where some of the posters describe making their own compatible caps when they couldn't find the manufacturer's version.
Could you do the same if your authorized DVD player or eBook reader broke?