Thursday, December 20, 2007

I can run, I just can't hide...

This is entirely an (questionably) amusing anecdote, so you may feel free to ignore it as you will learn very little from actually reading it. I just got home - to Puerto Rico, for those of you who don't know me personally - a few hours ago and went to see a movie with my brother in the evening. (I Am Legend, for those of you curious.) We're sitting there enjoying the trailers before the movie starts, when suddenly a new ad comes along. It's shot in really grainy, dodgy film, and you can tell almost immediately it's not a trailer for a movie you're going to be seeing in a theater anytime soon.

::Scene: A family gathers to breakfast, comprised of an older grandmother, a younger mother, and a pair of (arguably adorable) little kids, a boy and girl. The mother comes in from stage right and plops a black DVD case on the table.::
Mom: "Look, I just bought this pirated movie! It was really cheap!"
Grandmother: "Pirated movie? Isn't that stealing?"
Mom: "Nonsense. I bought the movie. Besides, it looks really good."
Boy: "Okay, I'm going to school now." ::Grabs his bookbag, prepares to do so.::
Mom: "Hold on. Don't you have a test today?"
Boy: "It's okay. I got a copy of the answer sheet yesterday."
Mom: "You stole a copy of the test?!"
Boy: "No, mom. I bought it." ::He then walks out, leaving the rest of the family agape. The mom and the grandmother share a look, and the little girl shakes her head.::
Girl: "He's just following your example."
::Exeunt, stage right.::

This disturbed me on a number of levels. (By the way, the preceeding was a translation to the best of my recollection. The original ad is in Spanish with really bad Mexican actors. [Which isn't to say all Mexicans are bad actors; simply to note the simple wisdom that if you're trying to reach the movie-pilfering population of Puerto Rico, your chances are slim doing so in a Mexican accent.]) Let's begin the analysis:
1) This ad about not buying pirated movies is being shown to a group of people who just dished out $10 a pop to go see a theatrical release. Is there not a little bit of biting the hand that feeds you here?
2) What is this teaching people? All wrongs are equatable? Is buying (or downloading... let's just say 'acquiring') a pirated movie really as morally culpable as cheating off a test? (Or, alternatively, is cheating off a test really as morally culpable as acquiring downloaded movies?)
3) How many mothers out there are acquiring downloaded movies anyhow?
4) Why, oh, why is class following me 3,000 miles away across the Caribbean Sea?*

*Edit: I just double checked my facts, and technically the Caribbean borders the south of the island. I am, in fact, technically across the Atlantic. I think.


Ika Resuraa said...

Which delightfully reminds me of this pirating PSA from The Boondocks--fast-forward to 8:05. Short but, um, succinct.

W. Seltzer said...

4) Why, oh, why is class following me 3,000 miles away across the Caribbean Sea?

I can't answer this one, but thanks for posting!